Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Geeking Out Reaction

"Geeking out," is a term that means actually learning from doing things like texting, twittering and instant messaging. A new study, or may I say project, has formed the word based on the fact that students are learning things like technological skills, how to get along with other people, how to maintain an online public identity, and many other things. People say that students of the 21st century have to geek out inorder to become interested, it allows them to be focused and make many gains in the area of interest.

A new website has emerged, and it is called Cagito.com, it is where students of all ages go to engage in science and math activities. This I find striking because it does go to show that kids are using the internet for educational purposes not only inside the school but outside it too. One way to explain this website is like a large chat room used for the purpose of talking about educational ideas. It allows kids to get somebody elses take on the topic. Which is always the best way to expand your knowledge is to learn from those around you and their ideas. The best thing about this site is that well known and reputable sources come on the site to chat with the students too, it would be like us going to a reading or signing of an author but actually gettting to chat with them. Amazing to say the least.

The site allows students to ask who, what, where, when, and why without feeling pressure from others. Allowing them to gather as much information as they want, and really getting to know what they believe is most important to them. The site is also said to play a huge role in kids choosing their career paths, because they become motivated for something. The quote I love that the student has said about the website is, "I learn, I teach."

Geeking Out With Digital Media. (2009, August 19). Retrieved September 22, 2009, from Tech and Learning: http://www.teachlearning.com/

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

7 Stupid Technology Mistakes Reaction

Doug Johnson writes on the subject of technology in the classroom and within the school district and a few of the stupid mistakes teachers make with it.  Although, the text also does point out that the student maybe doing the wrong by searching things like porn and cyberbullying, but the teacher is in fault by not monitoring it close enough.  As the technology advances we need to be willing to take it in, explore it, and put it to use in the classroom.  When doing that precautions need to be taken, like no using a business computer for private use, always have your work backed up, realize that what ever one says or does on the computer can always be tracked, nothing is truly anonymous.  Students in the 21st century are requiring teacher to put their technological skills to test by using them to interest the student in learning.  Therefore a teacher must accept that methods are changing, and will continue to do so, and we need to keep updated in the advances.  Technology is the new link to children of the 21st century, and we must use it, but in the correct manner only.
Johnson's first fact really took me by surprise, "25 percent of employees visit porn sites from work, and that the adult video industry claims that hits on porn sites are highest during the work day."  This statistic truly disgusts me and I do think that there should be a random exploration by the school technology department to look at a random group of teachers history, about every six months.  If found that the teacher is searching porn they should be expelled for some time, and then after that their computer should be tracked and if caught again be let go from the district.
Another problem that Johnson had mention was backing up data, to be honest I know why, not many people know how to do so.  I am one who would have no idea on what should be backed up, where, and how to do it.  Schools should hold summer sessions and technology information and have nights set up to help with struggles teachers may have with the technology.
It also surprised me that you always have an electronic trail  of where you have been and what you have preformed no matter what you deleted.  It is amazing to me on how much information a computer can hold, and how people know how to access it all.  I would have figured that once you click delete it goes the the trash can, and once you empty that then the document will no longer exist anywhere.  Wow was I wrong.
Last but not least, I do agree with Johnson that the push for technology in the classroom will always remain.  As we all have heard, that is exactly what characterizes the 21st century skills.  It is not only what they children are interested in, and what can motivate them, but it is also what will be what gives them the most success in their future.  Therefore, as a teacher you need to encompass the new technology and teach it to your students.  Always be accepting of change, and realize in the technological world many things become outdated in a short period of time.
This is a generation of computer "geeks", if I may say, and is exactly how we can connect on the same level with all our students.  Teachers always look for an outlet on how to reach students, well now it has been handed to us, lets not take it for-granted.

Johnson, Doug (2009).  Seven Stupid Mistakes Teachers Make With Technology.  Education World.  [http://www.educationworld.com/a_tech/columnists/johnson/johnson032.shtml].